code / advent / 2024/06.lisp

1(defpackage #:advent.2024.06
2  (:use #:cl #:advent.2024.00))
3(in-package #:advent.2024.06)
5;;; Part 1.
7(defparameter *blocks* ())
8(defparameter *guard* nil)
9(defparameter *direction* nil)
10(defparameter *covered* nil)
11(defparameter *width* nil)
12(defparameter *height* nil)
14(defun reset ()
15  (setf *blocks* nil
16        *guard* nil
17        *direction* nil
18        *width* nil
19        *height* nil
20        *covered* nil))
22(defun init (&optional (file (input)))
23  "Convert the contents of FILE into a 2d array of characters."
24  (reset)
25  (let* ((lines (uiop:read-file-lines file)))
26    (loop for line in lines
27          for i from 0
28          do (loop for char across line
29                   for j from 0 do
30                     (case char         ; (aref res i j)
31                       (#\#
32                        (push (cons i j) *blocks*))
33                       (#\^
34                        (setf *guard* (cons i j)
35                              *direction* 'up))
36                       ((#\V #\v)
37                        (setf *guard* (cons i j)
38                              *direction* 'down))
39                       (#\{{CONTENT}}gt;
40                        (setf *guard* (cons i j)
41                              *direction* 'right))
42                       (#\{{CONTENT}}lt;
43                        (setf *guard* (cons i j)
44                              *direction* 'left)))
45                   finally (setf *height* i
46                                 *width* j
47                                 *covered*
48                                 (make-array (list i j) :initial-element 0))))
49    t))
51(defun move (direction)
52  "Try to move in DIRECTION.
53If there's a block there, return NIL.
54Otherwise, update the guard's position and return the new position."
55  (let* ((line (car *guard*))
56         (col (cdr *guard*))
57         (next-point
58           (case direction
59             (up (cons (1- line) col))
60             (down (cons (1+ line) col))
61             (left (cons line (1- col)))
62             (right (cons line (1+ col))))))
63    (when (> (aref *covered* line col) 25)
64      (error 'loop!))
65    (unless (find next-point *blocks* :test #'equal)
66      (setf *guard* next-point)
67      (incf (aref *covered* line col)))))
69(defun step-guard ()
70  (unless (move *direction*)
71    (progn
72      (setf *direction*
73            (case *direction*
74              (up 'right)
75              (down 'left)
76              (left 'up)
77              (right 'down)))
78      (step-guard))))
80(define-condition loop! (error)
81  ()
82  (:report (lambda (condition stream)
83             (declare (ignorable condition))
84             (format stream "Loop detected!"))))
86(defun count-covered ()
87  (destructuring-bind (n m) (array-dimensions *covered*)
88    (let ((count 1))
89      (loop for i from 0 below n do
90        (loop for j from 0 below m do
91          (unless (zerop (aref *covered* i j))
92            (incf count))))
93      count)))
95(defun solve1 (&optional (input (input)))
96  (init input)
97  (loop until (or (= (car *guard*) *height*)
98                  (= (cdr *guard*) *width*)
99                  (= (car *guard*) 0)
100                  (= (cdr *guard*) 0))
101        do (step-guard))
102  (count-covered))
104;;; Part 2.
105;; Find all the places where you could put *one* new obstacle to get the guard
106;; stuck in a loop.
108;; OK, so to get stuck in a loop the guard needs 4 obstacles that would make the
109;; guard trace a rectangle, *without* any other obstacles in their paths ---
110;; (x, y)
111;; ->(x, {y-1 ,, 1})
112;; ->({x+1 .. (width-1)}, ny)
113;; ->(nx, {ny+1 .. (height-1)})
115;; so (1) check each stone to find if it is the corner of a square. record each square.
116;; (2) take the corners and make sure there are no stones in the path of the
117;; guard for each square
119;;; ... or, you know, do the brutiest of forces.
121(defun solve2 (&optional (input (input)))
122  (init input)
123  (let ((res 0))
124    (loop for row from 0 upto *height* do
125      (loop for col from 0 upto *width* do
126        (unless (find (cons row col) *blocks* :test #'equal)
127          (init input)
128          (let ((*blocks* (cons (cons row col) *blocks*)))
129            ;; (print (cons row col))
130            (handler-case
131                (loop until (or (= (car *guard*) *height*)
132                                (= (cdr *guard*) *width*)
133                                (= (car *guard*) 0)
134                                (= (cdr *guard*) 0))
135                      do (step-guard))
136              (loop! ()
137                (princ "*")
138                (incf res)))))))
139    (print res)
140    res))
142;; 377 too low
143;; 1502 too low
145;; 1503 was the answer for me